Over at daringfireball John Gruber has an interesting piece on the challenges Nokia and especially their new CEO is facing. The main conclusion is that Nokia today is a Hardware company that needs to turn into a Software company in…
#momoMUC: some thoughts on yesterday’s Mobile Monday Munich
We had a very hot mobile monday yesterday with a perfect line-up of speakers and presentations as it turned out afterwards. Here are my personal thoughts and takes on this. Thomas Aidan Curran, CTO Software, Deutsche Telekom opened with a view…
Push Notifications: Amazon, Apple and Android moving forward
Amazon just announced and released the next service on their Web Services / Cloud Service for Notifications (Amazon SNS), giving applications http- or email-notifications for free (up to a limit). At the recent keynote announcing the new iPhone OS 4…
Mobile Payment: Make your iPhone a Credit Card Reader
Mobile Payment has been a topic in the mobile telco industry for the last 10 years with several attempts on standardized APIs and a few successful implementation in some countries. Now this area of potential mobile operator unique value-add is…